Saturday, April 27, 2013

Beginning of a new lifestyle

I am in my third week of trying to live a healthier lifestyle. That's after I found out I'm only points close to borderline diabetes. Having diabetes in my mother's side of the family as well as my husband, I know how hard it is being diabetic. So I know I need to do something to stir my health far away from it.

When my doctor said, "you need to be in a low carb and low sugar diet", my heart got broken because I know exactly what the culprit is, white rice. Of course, in addition to zero exercise and my sweet tooth. I have to be honest that after I left my doctor's office, I went straight to Tiff's Treats for a dozen of fresh warm chocolate chip cookies and half of it settled in my tummy. But that huge cheat went with a promise of being the last one. My promised stayed true until two weeks after when Round Rock Donuts crossed my mind. So a dozen was brought home by my ever supporting husband, despite of it being against his will.

Changing ones lifestyle is nowhere as easy as switching from Food Channel to Discovery Health but with a realistic goal in my mind, I know I can get there. Yes, I am doing a more realistic approach this time. Which means I still eat food that I am used to (i.e. white rice) but with moderation and in a smaller serving. Then I'm looking for some healthier food substitution. I do go to the gym twice a week for weight training and doing some cardio with dog-walking almost everyday. And last Thursday  I was in my first Yoga class.

Each day for me now is another chance of being healthy as it is the best gift I can give to myself and my loved ones that cannot be bought or exchanged. And if it is taken away, I may not be able to get it back.

Cheers to a healthier lifestyle and better future!

Enjoy! XO, J. :)


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