Monday, January 28, 2013

Welcome to my Kusina

Kusina - means kitchen in Filipino.
Welcome to my new blog! My mom used to tell me that when I get married, my husband will send me back to my parents coz I do not know how to cook at all. Not even boiling water. But when I got married and moved thousands miles away from the home (country), I had no choice but to learn to cook the food that I grew up with and some that I learned to like. Most of the food I cooked are from the recipes I find online. And I created this blog so that I do not only share the pictures (via Facebook or Instagram) but also to give credits to the people whom I stole the recipes from, and also to share with you the best recipes (in my own tasting) I found and will find. If you find anything you like, please do not hesitate to leave your comments/feedback as it will be helpful to our fellow recipe-seekers/food-lovers. Also, I'd appreciate if you share whatever modification you made on the recipe and as well as your own recipe. Happy cooking!!! xoxo, J.


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I'd be glad to hear from you. If you tried the recipe, please leave a comment with your feedback. Also, feel free to share your favorite recipes. Thanks! -J.

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